I have played many games over 2014 and I have selected my personally favorites. Here in no particular order are the best games of 2014. ( also, not all of these came out, in 2014 but they still made the list because I played them in 2014)

This game kicked my but over 1,000 times but I came back smiling and slightly enraged. Hotline Miami is one of those games , what make me, happy to be a gamer. I was sitting in bliss while my character who wore a Tiger mask was beating some poor guy with a pipe.The music pushed this game over the edge for me. The Music kicks ass in this game.This game also has a Delorean what a mazing .Its also worth noting that the pixel art style is a nice throw back.
Honorable mentions
Ryse: Son of Rome
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Mario Kart 8
Spec Ops: the Line