10. Halo Wars 2: 12 Votes
Release:February 21, 2017
Platform:Xbox One, Windows 10
How do I feel: I loved the first Halo Wars and I can't wait for the second. Also having the first one remastered on PC to tide me over is great!
9. Scalebound: 13 Votes
Release: 2017
Platform:Xbox One, Windows 10
How do I feel: I have to see more but it looks cool!
8. South Park Fractured Buthole: 18 votes

Release: QTR 1 2017
Platform:Xbox One,PC, PS4
How do I feel: Love the show, love the first game, Make love not Warcraft! 7. Cuphead: 26 votes

Platform:Xbox One,PC
How do I feel:Looks awesome, love the art style and can't wait for it!
6. Resident Evil 7: 35 Votes
Release:January 24, 2017
Platform:Xbox One,PS4, PC
How do I feel: Looks amazing as a VR game but as guy who played Resident Evil 4-6, little puzzled why this is not a NEW I.P but it will probably be the Assassins Creed 4 of Resident Evil.
5. Persona 5: 40 votes

How do I feel: I have no clue what this is but I think it has something to do with rule 34? 4. Horizon Zero Dawn: 51 Votes

How do I feel:I still need to get through all of my other PS4 games first, Uncharted, LOU and Ratchet and Clank.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild: 64 Votes

Platform:Switch, Wii U
How do I feel: I'm excited but in the same boat as Cuphead, will it ever come out!
2. Red Dead Redemption: 76 Votes

Platform:Xbox One, PS4
How do I feel:

1. Mass Effect Andromeda: 137 Votes
Release: March 2017
Platform:Xbox One, PS4,PC
How do I feel:Haven't played any of them..........
Did your most anticipated game crack the top 10 or.... did it end up like mine (crackdown 3). Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
Groups Asked (The Gamerscore Gamer Page, Kinda Funny, Podcast Unlocked, Saints Row IV, Best Bot Gamers, The Gamerholics, The Gamerholics, Gaming Battlegrounds)
Honorable Mentions
Crackdown 3 | 11 Votes | |||||||||||
Sea of Thieves | 11 Votes | |||||||||||
Prey | 8 Votes | |||||||||||
Spider-man | 7 Votes | |||||||||||
Knack 2 | 7 Votes | |||||||||||
Ni No Kuni 2 | 6 Votes | |||||||||||
For honor | 6 Votes | |||||||||||
Guardians of Galaxy | 4 Votes | |||||||||||
God of War | 4 Votes | |||||||||||
Death Stranding | 4 Votes | |||||||||||
Injustice | 3 Votes | |||||||||||
Mario Switch | 3 Votes | |||||||||||
Dark souls 4 | 3 Votes | |||||||||||
Nier Automata | 3 Votes | |||||||||||
Tom Clancy Ghost recon | 3 Votes | |||||||||||
Destiny 2 | 3 Votes | |||||||||||
Tekken 7 | 2 Votes | |||||||||||
Shumue 3 | 2 | |||||||||||
Borderland 3 | 1 | |||||||||||
Crash bandicoot | 1 | |||||||||||
TNMT: someone fix | 1 | |||||||||||
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