Why do I want a Wii U because of all of the exclusives.Now is the Wii U going to be my primary console no but it going be the most played when the New Zelda drops or WHEN STARFOX COMES OUT! There is also more games then just that like Mario Kart 8 what looks awesome and make really make me want a Wii U and Super Mario 3D world pictured to left looks awesome to.Then there are cool looking Japanese game what is simple called X what I have no idea what going on in the trailer but I like that. Then there is (make sure I still have chest hair) Toad Tracker game and Yoshi Yarns what is utterly adorable I have always been sucker for Toad.

What is this 4k TV blasphemy . Its the next step in the resolutions evolution (it rhymes :)I want a 4k TV because it obviously will provide better overall picture quality with the upscaler chip inside making all my game look better and plus I will get a bigger TV at that and that will be nice to. Plus it will be future proof for when 4k becomes main stream while I am in college and will be broke. It probably help my social status little bit around campus to.