Have you ever had game that made such impact, that it became one of your favorites. Well then this list is for you, These are my favorites.
1.Saints Row 2

2. Command and Conquer Tiberium Sun

3.Hotline Miami

4.Batman Arkham Asylum
If you ever wanted to be the batman, this game for you. I know there are three more sequels in this franchise but this one is my favorite. I feel its more linear and I kinda of like that, Especially more story driven game. This where a lot of story games lose me. I get side tracked and don't actually finish the main game. Batman Arkham Asylum I beat in one setting at night and it is one of my most cherished game memories.
Counter Strike Global Offensive
I’m not huge multiplayer fan but I have over 3,000 kills
with my bizion and I keep coming back there is nothing like jumping out of
nowhere and getting a triple kill. This game is the most responsive game I have
ever played. This would’ve been higher on the list but AWPS and AKS are a huge
buzz kill.
6.Call Of Duty Black Ops
Call of Duty used to be the greatest game franchise to me
but as I started playing more games. I focused my attention else where but some
thing kept happening. I started to hear these numbers and I knew, I had to go
back. Black Ops campaign made it this high on the list. Nothing like being in
Vietnam with Woods and trying to stop the soviets. Also jamming out to “sympathy
for the devil”. The multiplayer was also a blast, it was my first taste of gun
game and one bullet in the chamber.
7.Halo 4
I never got into the Halo hype. It never got my interest but
I did play A LOT of reach. That all changed with Halo 4. I was sitting in my
room watching E3 2011 and then the Halo 4 trailer dropped and I was blown away
by it. The games opening cutscene gives me goose bumps to this day. I loved the
new emphasis on story. I did really enjoy the multiplayer but I don’t think it
was as good as reach’s.
8.Garry's Mod
have you ever had a battle of hundreds of teletubbies. Then you haven't experienced life.
9. Goldeneye 64
When I think of Golden Eye, I think childhood. Growing up,
In a pre-internet world and with my family owing a N64. All I did or do was
play Golden Eye. there just so many cool set peace. Dropping down in a bathroom,
the whole Dam level and that creepy guy with the white hat, that gave me
This is one of those games, where it shows that gameplay
trumps everything. This game is action packed thrill ride. I have countless
memories of me and friend Gage titan punching full down. The game was skeleton
but the steady amounts of updates have me coming back.
Well thats it, My top 10 favorite games. Did one of your favorites end up on the list?
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