1. Xbox One Scorpio is Unveiled/Priced $449/Early November
We are only one day from the unveil, I can't wait. I think Scorpio will be the name. Why? it's a cool name and the people who are going to go buy a Scorpio know the code name already. So why not make it simple for everyone? Also, the price is a compromise between Premium/ Average consumer price. Also the date I think will be in early November to keep the tradition of new Xboxes coming out in November.
How Likely: Guaranteed
2. Original Xbox Games Come to Xbox One
It makes sense because of how hard they have been pushing backwards compatibility as of late. It would also be a big middle finger to Sony. Also technically speaking if an Xbox One can emulate a Xbox 360 which can emulate and original Xbox, it shouldn't be the hardest thing to do.
How Likely: Probably
3. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a Play-anywhere Title

How Likely:Not Likely
4. Forza 7 is announced and is a Scorpio Launch title

How Likely: Guaranteed
5. State of Decay 2 is Now an AAA Title and dated for a fall release
Microsoft's Game Lineup is weaker than Sonys but Sony is having one hell of a year and they still have an Uncharted and a Crash Remaster waiting for them. Now I loved Halo Wars 2 but I see that it's not everyones cup of tea. Anyway, Sony has been hitting home runs and Xbox has struggled to hit even more than a few. Now I personally loved Ryse, Halo Wars 2 and Sunset Overdrive but there aren't huge hits other than Forza, Halo than it doesn't look those games are going to get sequels. So with all that, State of Decay 2 needs to be a bigger deal and I think it will. They already announced Co-op and they have 4 maps. Which is three more maps than the first game. I think the game will be AAA and I loved the first game. So more SOD, Heck yes!!!
How Likely:Guaranteed
6. Xbox Game Pass is going to get a lot of Attetion
Game pass is extremely hot off the presses and a great service none the less. So it makes a ton of sense that they would promote the heck out of it at E3.
How Likely:Guaranteed
7. Sea of Thieves Delayed to 2018
The games development has been slow but this makes sense for several reasons. One it's Rare's first non-kinect game in far too long and MMOs are really hard to make and require a ton of content. I think Sea of Thieves is going to be great but I think it needs more time to cook in the oven.
How Likely: Probably
8.Cuphead and Below are released during show
These games are small indie games that have been cooking in the oven for sometime now, I would imagine they would be really close to being finished (if not already) and they would be a great one last thing to do.
How Likely: Probably
9.Crackdown 3 is now (Fall 2017) or never (2018 & Beyond)

How Likely: Fall 2017 : Not Likely
How Likely: 2018: Probably
10. Sunset Overdrive 2 is annouced

How Likely: 50/50
11.Ryse 2 is annouced

How Likely:Not Likely
12. Scalebound comes back in some form
There have been murmors and rumors that this game still exists. So I think there is a fair shot that another studio has taken over the project and Scalebound will rise like a phoenix or should I say like a fire breathing dragon.
How Likely 50/50
13. Fable 4/Reboot made by Rare is teased

How Likely:Not Likely
14. Old First Party games get the Scorpio Update
The way you sell people on this new box is to tell them that all of the games you already own are going to look way better. Give all of the old first party games the "4k" update and blow pepole's mind without them even having to spend a dime on games.
How Likely:Guaranteed
15. Xbox VR is shown off

How Likely: 0%
16. New Third party short term exclusivity/ Tomb Raider

How Likely: Probably
17. New I.P (Gobo Studio)

How Likely: Probably
18.A New DC Game is Shown off
After Sony dropped the Spiderman bomb shell. I think Xbox will have an exclusive with DC but it will at least unveiled at Xbox Conference. I think it will be Origins teams rather than Rocksteady.
How Likely: Probably
19. Old OG Xbox I.P is Revisited
With Voodo-Vince and Phamtom dust, Xbox has been digging in the past and what better time to revive an old Xbox franchise. Pefect dark? Brute Force?
How Likely 50/50
20. Controller is slightly changed for Scorpio
It has already been hinted at, might be that the elite controller is packed in with Scorpio. If it is a new upgrade, can they really even improve perfection?
How Likely:Guaranteed
21. Fable Remastered Trilogy is Announced
The reason I put this on the list is that Xbox has been remastering a lot of their old IPS and Fable 1 remaster is almost unplayable from what I have heard. So this to me makes sense.
How Likely 50/50
22. Minecraft is talked about is some form
You know there are going to talk about it in some form......
How Likely:Guaranteed
23. Microsoft pushes there version of twitch Mixer
They renamed beam two weeks ago to mixer. If you go to the Xbox @ E3 page Mixer is getting promoted to all hell. So I would imagine it at least get mention if not shoehorned into a game presentation or heck maybe even in the Xbox Scropio presentation.
How Likely:Guaranteed
24. Microsoft pushes the early access games
For the past few years Xbox has been having early access games come to the marketplace. For Example Slime Rancher, The Culling and Ark Survival. It makes sense for them to continue this because makes Xbox even more unique as a platform, Also Ark Sold over a million copies and I would call that a success.
How Likely:Guaranteed
25. Anthem has a Gameplay Reveal

How Likely:Guaranteed
26. AC Origins is shown off
Game Informer leaked that this game is "better" on Scorpio section and in the leaked on the article. I imagine their going to official reveal at the Xbox Conference. Reboot for AC, Reboot for Xbox, Make the world go round!
How Likely:Guaranteed
27. The New Forza Horzion Studios Project teased
(Wild Cards)
28. Halo or Gears Brings gets an X-Com type of treatment by FiraxisI would play it, would be a dream of mine but Firaxis is busy with Civ 6 and X-Com 2 DLC. Even with that, I think it would be cool to see what they could add to the lore or what time period it would take place in or what soldiers would be used maybe the X-Com squad would be ODSTS instead of Spartans and also customizing my own Spartan or gears soldiers would be a blast. I know there are mods for X-Com 2 to make your squad into Halo Squad but that is only paint, I want the full car.
29.Nintendo Trade off
I think with Minecraft coming to the switch has opened the Big N and Xbox relations. I think Xbox and Big N ganging up could potentially knock off Sony on it's first spot. I would think it would be maybe a game trade or Chief jumping to the new smash? Anyway them doing any of this would cause shock waves threw the industry.
30. Halo Spin-off
Would be amazing and after Halo 5. I think Chief could use the break. Also the Halo side stories I find to be fascinating because just being a grunt in the Halo Universe puts halo on it head.
31. Banjo-Kazooie 3 or Reboot by Rare
One can only hope.......
Do you agree with my list, do you think I'm wrong. Leave a comment or share!
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